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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Short blank spell

I'm back!
For a short while at least.

I was not missing or off having fun in any sort of way - honest!

I have been working on two separate books' edits
writing my NaNo story
(which reminds me I need to go to NaNo and update my word count
sometime soon)

I signed a contract for the first in my Hidden Senses
Trilogy - Mystic Perceptions with Class Act Books

I just found out I should have the cover for another
book this week sometime
and I've been working in my real time life that's
outside of the stories inside my head.

I've also been working on promoting ideas...
(feel free to shout out some ideas
if you have any insight on this time - input is very welcome)

That covers this weeks events - and it's only Wednesday!!
(I just looked at the clock it's two minutes into Thursday, but I haven't slept
yet so that doesn't count!!!)

Hope everyone's week is just as chaotic and fun as mine!