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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

With Social Media...

This is where I’m at with the Social media craziness of an author’s life! 

I know what I have to do, just can't navigate the treacherous path to get there. 

It feels like this trying to figure out what to move to get it to all line up.

This is what I see in my mind every time I have to plan my social media calendar.

As writers we NEED to write, not ‘want’ or ‘should’ but NEED!  The characters and ideas just keep coming and for me if I’m not writing I feel like I’m in a funk I’ll never climb out of. I’m my happiest when I’m lost in writing my next book.
Yet, if we authors don’t promote and ‘get out there’ we will starve because no one knows about our books.
I have fallen behind on so many deadlines because I have become hyper focused on the ‘promoting’ side of it. It will suck you in and consume hours of your writing time.
I’ve tried seminars, courses, books to try and figure out how to do this, in the least number of steps as possible.
For the next few weeks I’m going to climb into HOW to do this without losing my sanity and ALL my writing time. IF I can get it down to say, Sunday mornings I get all my scheduling done for social media (the basics, obviously not the daily checking with my morning coffee or those ‘you have to see this’ pics and posts that randomly pop up in life in real time), I will be a MUCH happier, LESS stressful version of me.

Btw I’m open to suggestions for successful plans used by other authors. A-U-T-H-O-R-S … NOT a media promotional company that just wants HUGE $ amount to ‘do it for me’ or ‘teach me how’.

(**rubics cube pic I borrowed from - collage pic I borrowed from pac-man media pic I borrowed from – I do not own the rights to any of these pics, but needed them because they illustrate where I am with the social media maze of an author’s life!)

Shameless self-promotion space:

 Twitter: @JacqPaige
 All Things Paranormal

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